Sunday, April 6, 2008


Let's see, the former first family made a shade under $110 million since
they ceased being the first family. Although the Democratic party might
be showing some Clinton fatigue the speaking circuit, from which
President Clinton made $82 million during the Bush year (yes, they have
been kind) still laps him up and, if his wife was to take the White
House what could William Jefferson Clinton demand for after dinner and
before, for that matter entertainment. The Clinton phenomena is so
unprecedented, outside of Shakespeare, that it's impossible to even
speculate. Well maybe. The speaking circuit was a different business in
the other William's day otherwise Mark Anthony might never have gone to
Egypt. But Shakespeare never dreamt of a king being deposed, not quite
the word, at the high of his popularity by a man who proceeded to ruin
his nation while the former King went around the world collecting vast
sums telling people ... what has Bill told people in the seven long
years. Not a lot. The Prince, Al Gore, has made a lot less but I seem to
remember he has spoken out from time to time and brought matters of
import to the world's attention. Bill knows the money is in
entertainment and being a celebrity. With his wife in the White House,
perhaps only as VP, though I can't see her doing that job again, Bill
can surely double his er ... bill. Let's say $150 million in 8 years in
speeches alone. Book deal another $80 million and we have $110 mil, $150
mil, $80 mil that gets us to somewhere near $330 million if one throws in her salary
and his. The there are "odd" sums of money that find there way into the
Clinton pockets from various interests. Come 2016, as Chelsea prepares
for her first term, Hillary who is emerging as a polished speaker, the
drop the tone to tell a terrible anecdote (often invented) is one of
her great dramatic skills and becoming a land mark part of her
presentation. By the time she's out of office she'll no doubt command
enough to put her in the top, 5% on the speaker's circuit. And so it
goes. This humble man from Arkansas whose wife struggled with grubby
land deals and matters so small even the far right finally tired of
their investigations and moved on to more profound matters, like Monica,
have potential, if they went public, to beat the bank. MAte check yout
maths on this one. It's hard to understand your figures.

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